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Enhancing Security with Inmate Property Pick-Up Lockers

Inmate property pick-up lockers are a great solution for correctional facilities that need to store and release inmate belongings in a safe and efficient way. Dealing with inmate property raises significant security concerns. These items may hold value or sensitive information. If mishandled, they could be stolen, tampered with, or misused. 

That's why Southwest Solutions Group (SSG) offers inmate property pick-up lockers that have advanced security features to prevent unauthorized access and tampering. In this blog, we will explain how our inmate property pick-up lockers ensure the security of the stored items and the users. 

What are Inmate Property Pick-Up Lockers? 

Inmate property pick-up lockers are smart locker systems that allow officers to deposit inmatesmart locker property in individual lockers and generate a PIN or QR code for each transaction. The lockers are connected to a web app that tracks the location and status of each stored item and notifies the inmates or their relatives when the property is ready for pick-up. The lockers have a mobile app that allows relatives to schedule an appointment for property retrieval. Additionally, the mobile app provides a QR code to scan at the locker console. 

The lockers have software that supports depositing and retrieval of items. Officers can deposit inmate property for short-term storage to be retrieved by the inmate upon release. If the inmate is detained long-term, officers can deposit the belongings for retrieval by the inmate’s friends or relatives. 

The smart locker system works in tandem with a web app that tracks locker transactions, notifies family members of property release, and manages the chain of custody. 

How to Deposit Inmate Property for Short-Term Storage 

Storing inmate property for temporary custody is simple and requires only an incident number. To deposit inmate property, the officer follows this process: 

  • Scan the authentication badge at the locker console. 
  • Enter the incident number on the touchscreen. 
  • Select an appropriate locker size. 
  • Deposit the items in the assigned locker. 

The incident number will be automatically tracked in the app once the property is deposited. Upon release, the offender can retrieve their belongings by entering the same incident number.  

Security Measures 

Encryption Technology smart locker code

One of the security features of our inmate property pick-up lockers is encryption technology. Encryption is converting information into a code that only authorized parties can read. Our lockers use encryption to protect the data transmitted between the locker console, the web app, and the mobile app. This means that the information about the inmates, their property, and their relatives is encrypted and cannot be intercepted or hacked by anyone else. Encryption also ensures that the PIN and QR codes generated for each locker transaction are unique and secure. 

Other Protective Features 

Besides encryption and biometric authentication, our inmate property pick-up lockers have other protective features that enhance their security. Some of these features are: 

Time management: Officers can deposit property within minutes, eliminating the time it may have taken them to transport belongings to and from off-site storage facilities.  

Automatic tracking: The software provides visibility for the complete chain of custody. Using the desktop app, officers can view transactions in real-time, track the location of each stored item, and retrieve PIN codes to access the locker doors if needed.  

Contact Us for Inmate Property Pick-Up Lockers  

SSG provides design and installation services for inmate property pick-up lockers with advanced security features. Our process begins with a free consultation, followed by an in-depth design phase that ensures all needs are addressed and thoughtfully included.

Additionally, our team takes an active role throughout the planning, installation, and maintenance phases, ensuring a seamless experience. To learn more or to speak with a storage specialist, fill out our contact form or call us at 866-304-9482.  

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