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Space Maximization Solutions for Every Square Foot

Written by Admin | Jul 5, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Having effective storage space is a must for any business. But these solutions can take up more space than necessary, leaving you with less floor space than you originally started with.  

The solutions we will discuss today are our vertical carousels, mezzanines, and vertical lift modules. These solutions can be used in virtually any industry. Keep reading to learn how to implement these solutions, into your business! 

From retail, when solutions are needed for garments, to aviation, where storage is needed to store helicopter propellers. These solutions can help in many ways, and Southwest Solutions Group (SSG) is ready to help you.  

Overhead Storage Lifts

Overhead storage racks can expand the total amount of cubic square feet available at your company, while also letting you store your items on-site. This reduces the costs of building additional storage spaces.

These lifts help in many ways, including:

  • General Storage: Helps keep more products on-site where needed.
  • Athletic Storage: perfect for storing large laundry tubs, bicycles, canoes, and kayaks
  • Specialty Storage: Holds items such as wheelchairs, tires, and helicopter blades.  
  • Garment & Clothing: Raise these items off the floor to maximize storage. 

These solutions are great for slower-moving items or items that you don’t need all the time. That way, when you do need to retrieve them, you can while also not having them in the way of your day-to-day life.  

With these lifts being able to hold things such as bicycles, retail stores can store and display more than they normally would be able too. 


Mezzanines also offer a great way to add more to your office space without expanding. Adding in a mezzanine can double the current space you are using now if optimized correctly. These structures can be utilized in different ways. With a mezzanine, you can add more storage, create a workspace or office space, and so much more! This is a cost-effective way to use the unused space in your warehouse or building.  

Not only will you be saving space when implementing a mezzanine into your workspace, but you also will be helping organize the space that you have right now. Once this space is organized, your employees will have more room to work and enjoy a clutter-free environment.  An intentional, organized space is important for employee productivity.  

Mezzanines are a powerful tool when looking to transform underutilized vertical space in functional, efficient and cost-effective ways. Leveraging these unused vertical areas can bring unprecedented improvements to your business's performance.  

Vertical Storage Carousels

One way to optimize your parts storage is by putting them into a vertical storage carousel. These storage carousels have rotating shelves making it easy to store a wide range of inventory and parts inside. Our storage carousels can store bulky items such as textiles, fabric or vinyl, in addition to smaller assets such as tools and parts. 

These carousels are typically used in industrial manufacturing and distribution but are not just limited to that. These have also been used in industries such as:  

  • Automotive 
  • Pharmacy  
  • Healthcare 
  • Cleanroom 

Compared to traditional bin shelving systems, these storage systems have been known to save up to 80% of your floor space. Vertical carousels can be equipped to store your company’s unique inventory and address your needs.

The space that your company will be able to utilize is far greater than the cost of implementing a solution like this.  

Evaluate your Space Today!  

Using a traditional storage solution, you can often overlook the potential of the vertical space that you have available to you. Here at SSG, we want to help you be able to make the most of that space. Whether you are looking to store things such as garments, athletic gear, wheelchairs, tools, tires, and more, SSG is ready to help you implement this into your company.  

When learning to properly use your overhead space, you will begin to see a major change in the storage and layout of your company. Giving your employees more space to store even more items and creating new office spaces or workspaces will help benefit everyone. Your employees will also be able to keep better track of where they are putting these important items.  

Every square foot matters in your building. Expanding your storage without expanding the number of square feet you have is an important and efficient way to use your space. Start using your overhead space today with the help of vertical carousels, mezzanines, and vertical lift modules. Call 866-471-8351 to find out more on how SSG can improve your company.